The environmental impact of Diwali

there are a lot of bursting firecrackers that release toxic gases into the atmosphere. In addition, there is loud noise from loudspeakers and firecrackers, and dry waste that can cause health problems for children, the elderly, and patients. Additionally, they can cause burns, deafness, nausea, and mental impairment. Factory explosions that manufacture firecrackers often result in the deaths of many people.

Darkness to light or light to darkness

festival of lights. It is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India. Diwali takes place in October or November on the Gregorian calendar. It has been celebrated from ancient times as mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata mythologies.

Fireworks’ effects on Diwali

As part of the festivities, homes are cleaned and decorated, relatives are visited and gifts, sweets, etc. Are exchanged. It is believed that buying gold on Diwali is a positive sign. These days, many people perform pooja in the homes they live in. Roads and buildings are decorated with oil lamps and festive lights.

Air Pollution

On this auspicious day, hazardous gases and toxic substances, including barium, cadmium, sodium, mercury, nitrate, and nitrite are released into the environment by bursting fireworksAir pollutants