Thinking about selling your house yourself without an agent’s help?

You’ll also need to handle all the legal and financial paperwork, which can be difficult. (You might want to hire a lawyer to help with that.) There are also a number of websites that can help walk you through the process, such as

To help you get started, here are five tips.

Decide on a realistic price
If you’re selling your home without an agent, don’t overestimate its value.

Offers sellers the opportunity to set a price based on accurate data instead of emotions.

Calculators like estimate your home’s value based on objective factors like the square footage, the number of bedrooms, and the location.

“The old way was to stick a sign in your yard and hope for the best.

According to Asset Hub, many homebuyers begin their search online. You can list yours on his website,, for free if you are selling it without an agent. Asset Hub will also automatically display the listing.

Describe Your Home in Detail
Include exterior and interior photos when listing your house.

A listing should include all the essentials, such as price, location, age, and the number of rooms, including bedrooms and bathrooms. However, Asset Hub recommends highlighting any improvements, such as a backup power source

You need to be patient.
Don’t be disappointed if the first open house doesn’t result in any offers. Revisit your asking price, update your marketing materials, and make sure your home is widely listed.

Consider Paying a Broker for Limited Services
Many people who decide to sell their home without an agent don’t realize that some agents offer limited services to help you with specific aspects of selling a home.