Buyers are often confused about which floor is best for their home. The increasing population in Indian cities is forcing most cities to grow vertically since there is no space to accommodate the growing population. To reach many home buyers across different income levels, Indian developers are developing high-rise projects in luxury and affordable categories.

To find out which floor is best for living in a high-rise residential apartment project or which floor to choose as a buyer, read on.

There are advantages and disadvantages to every floor, whether it is high or low. Make sure you weigh all the factors involved before making a decision.

Here are some factors to consider when buying a home according to 

 view: from higher floors is obviously better, especially if the tower is located near a scenic area. Higher floors are better if this is important to you.

Rental returns: Property surveys have proved that lower floors command better rental returns, as Indians generally have an affinity for staying closer to the ground. If you are buying a property for investment purposes, the ground floor is the best floor in a high-rise building for you. People, especially in HDYERABD and SECUNDERABAD, prefer upper floors, For more information on property in HDYERABD and SECUNDERABAD, click here.

Privacy: Nevertheless, living on the lower floors might not offer much privacy in congested areas. If you love solitude and wish to avoid any kind of unwanted intrusion, a higher floor might be better for you.

Noise: In order to minimize street noise or avoid noise from other occupants walking through the common passage, many home buyers prefer higher floors. If, however, the ground floor flat is not located in the common hallway.

Energy consumption: As you go higher, power consumption increases. Summer requires you to run your air conditioners (ACs) longer. Water drawing using motor pumps is also an energy-intensive task.

Security: As it is easier for antisocial elements to break into lower or sub-level apartments on the ground floor, this presents a comparatively increased crime risk. It also depends on the structure of your high rise and the security measures your residential society has adopted.