Younger clients are becoming more aware of their carbon footprint, and real estate developers are changing their strategies to stay competitive. As India approaches its carbon independence goal of 2030, green buildings are becoming more popular. This has resulted in an emphasis on building eco-friendly constructions that employ energy-efficient technologies.

- Gurgaon ITC Green Centre.
India’s new standard for green buildings has been established by the ITC Green Centre, which covers 1,80,000 square feet. In Sector 32, Gurgaon, the building received Platinum LEED certification from the USGBC-LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification program, making it the first corporate residence in the country to receive this award.
2. Pune Suzlon One Earth

One Earth, a LEED Platinum building with a capacity of 2300 people, is another LEED Platinum building. To minimize the impact of the building on the environment, low-energy components were used in its construction. Ninety percent of the building’s occupied space is illuminated by natural light.
3. Noida’s Patni (i-GATE) Knowledge Center

The Patni Knowledge Centre has been awarded the LEED Platinum certification, making it the next green building in India. The building’s depth is constructed so that it absorbs daylight for 75 percent of the inhabited interiors while erecting across 4,60,000 sq ft in suburban Noida. About half of the land is set aside for open green space.
4. Chennai Olympia Tech Park

The Olympia Tech Park, situated in the heart of Chennai (Guindy), has become one of the city’s largest and most sought-after IT parks. Because the tech park contains MNCs that work day and night, energy-saving measures and an eco-friendly atmosphere are required.
5. Kolkata’s Infinity Benchmark

Next on the list is Infinity Benchmark, a LEED Platinum-certified green building with a total area of 5,60,000 square feet distributed across 20 floors. CO2 monitoring sensors and clever humidification controllers keep the building’s air quality in check. The building’s exterior walls are composed of brick wall blocks, and the roof includes deck-thick polyurethane foam for building envelopes.